Monday, August 10, 2009

Does Harry Potter's Magic Extend to the Bedroom?

With "Harry-Potter-mania" back in full swing due to his most recent movie, a friend recently asked if I thought Harry Potter's magic extended to the bedroom. I thought this to be a valid question so I began to ask around. Many of those I asked believed the answer to this question to be yes, stating that out of his magical bag of tricks he would surely be able to come up with something that could make a bedroom romp extraordinarily magical. Sources pointed out that such magical items like his invisibility cloak could make sexual relations possible in even the most public of situations. It was also pointed out that broom stick head would be much better than road head. I was even told by one source that she would love to have his wand thrust DEEP in her chamber of secrets.

But alas the truth comes out!!! As you can see by the third picture on today blog Mr. Potter's true desires are for young men, preferably gingers according to the Weasleys. Although Ron was some what confused at the time that this photo was captured by an alert house elf he swears that it was just an accident and that later that day when he was seen rubbing his ass that he had injuried his tail bone when feel down a flight of stairs. Further more he continues to maintain the he and Mr. Potter do not play with each others "wands" and that the only time he ever road Harry's broom stick was during a preseason Quidditch match.

Ladies I think it is time that someone asked Mr. Potter face to face if Ginny is just a cover and get the truth about what really happened between Harry in Cedric when they took a romantic stroll through that maze during year four. After all when they did finally emerge from the maze Cedric did have several scratches on the back of his neck and Harry was walking with a limp!!!

What are your thoughts?

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