Monday, August 3, 2009

So I think I have figured out what I want to do with this blog... I mean beside the obvious. I think I am going to turn it into a page that will hopefully someday make someone laugh... at least once.
I may put up a few jokes or couple funny pictures or maybe just a stupid rant intended to make someones day a little less monday'ish.

Ok, on to my first question. (LP maybe you can answer this)

So I would like to start by asking what the hell is up with funny cat picture? Seriously what is so funny about a cat with a jacked up face? I see these pictures every where and the first couple of times I gave one or two a chuckle. But after awhile they started to piss me off. Honestly how many times can anyone find this funny? And what must this cats owner look like? What makes you make a face like that? I occasionally make that face the morning after a long night of drinking when I get a sniff of myself. Ive made that face before when I was walking through the changing room of my local gym. What are your thoughts?


  1. I think why people like these pictures so much is because there are not many animals whose expressions look so human as the ones these cats seem to make. It probably not only makes them laugh, but also makes them feel a little better about being so alone most of the time. Most people after all need constant attention from someone who they also think is on their mental level. Or maybe I'm just BSing all this. I think most of the pictures look fake any ways.

  2. Surely this is the same problem that exists with any comedy piece though. For example the 'motivational' posters, seeing one or two and i found them quite amusing. However once they had gained in popularity it was just a flood of them and the idea became so diluted it lost it's appeal. Probably does not help in the slightest that i have no love what so ever for the furry critters in the first place.
