Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Something for Kurt and Something for Mat

Mat, you made a comment that you hated these inspirational funnies. LOL I have to agree with you on some level that these things get annoying. But seriously as far as quick humor goes they do make a great point. What the hell would you do if you woke up one morning and one of these kids belonged to you? There is no hope at this point! Lady K dont hate me but this is where your brother is headed!!

I have been a kid for the past 30 years and out side of the handful of times that Kurt and I played dress up and that one time when I was drunk and wandering around downtown in dress with giant thing of pudding I dont think I have ever looked this retarded. So what does this say to the generation behind ours??? It says we did one hell of good job corrupting those poor bastards and I pity the teachers and role models that have to fix all the fun we had screwing up kids like this, thank you Kid Rock and Brittany Spears!!

And Kurt your obsession with goats spurred and idea so here is a goat image for you that I found appropriate!!!


  1. Man we haven't played dress up in a long time. You still have that catchers mask?

  2. The initial mental images were alarming but I have scrubbed them from my brain with a wire brush and a pint of Dawn dish soap and they are but a small stain that will wear away with time.


    I made the mistake of clicking on your blog link. It wasn't a mistake that I clicked, it was rather purposeful to begin with. In the end, though, I decided it was a mistake after all, though one that didn't take full effect until after the readings occurred. I believe your humour and mine do not coincide.

  3. HA !!!! You know as well as Kurt that you cant wait till my wedding to see us play dress up again!!!!
